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College Project's

In September 2013 and left in July 2015, i started a level 3 course called TV & Film at Confetti College in Nottingham,UK. 

This course has changed my life and made me want to do the career of film and photography. 

Here is afew projects i did during this time.

A girl called Rosella is an average girl, living a normal life until she is haunted down and kidnapped. 



In June 2014, Myself and a group of different skilled people created our first live broadcast based of an made up apocalypse over the last 10 years. I was incharge of VT operator and made one of the VT's Shown On The Right.

Here are video's of what happens of shooting during productions i am involved in.

Behind The Scene's

Film // Video Editor

After Effects // Final Cut Pro // Premiere

Available for freelance and contract jobs

on location or at my studio

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